We are in the home stretch of the holiday season now with Christmas this weekend, although there is still time to jam in last minute tree-decorating, shopping, more shopping, and wrapping. Lisa and I are taking this time to catch up on our own holiday task lists, and savor the magical moments of the season with our families. But we wanted to check in with our readers and wish you all a very happy holiday! We are so thankful to The Brick Nests’ followers and supporters for all the kind words and encouragement as we have gotten this blog up and rolling. It really means a lot to us as we venture on this exciting new journey of blogging and beyond.
Some exciting news to share is that we’ve received many requests to provide decorating consultations! We are humbled and flattered that you like all our styling tips enough to let us help you bring beauty and function to your homes. We’ll keep you posted on our newest consulting projects on the blog, in addition to the ongoing (and never-ending) projects here at our own brick nests. Also, we’ve made a few changes to our site. You may now shop from our Nests’ Nifty Nine Shop page, which we will periodically update. Lisa’s art photography is now solo in the Portfolio page as I have added a Home Tour page–check them out for pictures galore! If there are any topics you would like to hear about, or questions you may have, or if you would like to inquire about our consultation services, feel free to send us an email at thebricknests@gmail.com or leave a comment below. We will be busy little birdies in 2017, but would love to hear any feedback you may have as we plan out our schedule for the new year.
Below are some extra holiday decoration photos for your viewing pleasure (including our friend Kathleen’s colorful wooden crèche set, as promised). Make sure you check back next week as we try something new–New Year’s Eve fashion ideas, complete with models (well not real models, but yours truly, Jillian and Lisa!). Happy Holidays!!!!
Author Profile

- My nest is not a museum, it is a comfortable, charming, unique, fabulous home with young children. I have high-end custom pieces, vintage tag sale finds, authentic antiques, colorful prints, and basic box store staple furniture. There are many ways to add functional style to your home and I can't wait to share my ideas and inspirations with you!
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