Hello! Welcome to The Brick Nests. We’re so excited to launch this blog and so glad you’ve decided to join us! We wanted to start out with a little background on what inspired us to start blogging.
We met the summer of 2013 and became fast friends. We’re both stay-at-home moms to young children, and wives to Stew and Drew. With so much in common, our families spend a lot of time together and share lots of laughs. In the spring of 2015, we also became neighbors! We were both drawn to the historic charm of our neighborhood, full of classic homes with elegant architectural elements and lots of character on winding streets lined with stunning, centuries-old trees. Even the lamp posts are a delight!
A signature of our neighborhood is the brick house with a slate roof, and we both chose this style house to make into our homes, places to raise our families and build a lifetime of memories with our little chickies–our brick nests, if you will.
As is the case with historic homes, while they are often bestowed with the gifts of quality construction and architectural details galore, they often need a modern-day touch. While in the process of slowly making these houses our own, we discovered that we both share a passion for the decorating process and have a similar design aesthetic. We both love using lots of color, playful fabrics, and modern accents to serve as a contrast to, and therefore a highlighter of, the traditional beauty of the homes. We naturally started asking each other’s opinions as we moved along with the decorating process, and friends began asking our thoughts on their own projects as well.
As moms of young children, we’ve learned that a beautifully designed house is of little value if it’s not functional and family friendly. These spaces are our nests, places where our kids need to feel comfortable and as stress free as possible. We want the rooms to exude fun and happiness. We want our historic homes to feel fresh and young. As we take our time settling into our houses, we are slowly and consciously making the changes that suit our families and creating harmonious spaces with enough beauty and style to satisfy the grown ups, but enough fun and function to satisfy the kids!
This labor of love and ongoing journey is what inspired us to start blogging. We both bring our individual strengths and points of view, so you will be hearing from both us. Please check out our bios on the About page to get to know us a little better! Here at The Brick Nests, we can’t wait to share our tips and experiences to help you bring a balance of style, beauty, and family-friendly function to your home and life too!
Author Profile

- I believe that a home and a life can be not only functional and family friendly, but also beautiful and stylish. I love vivid colors and energetic prints, and infusing classic design with contemporary personality, global influences, and coastal elements. I'm so excited to share my thoughts, tips, and ideas, from my nest to yours!
Great work, Lisa (and Jillian). Shall look forward to seeing how this progresses.
Thank you!!!
So excitting good luck with your new adventure! Xoxo
Thank you so much!
Now following!