In the spirt of the New Year, let’s have a look back at 2017’s most popular posts! We have updated a few of them so even if you have previously read them (thank you!) be sure to check them out again to see the changes.
Take a tour of Jillian’s home to get a feel of her personal decorating style and to see how she’s renovated her home over the years.
See the culmination of the six-week One Room Challenge makeover of Jillian’s daughter’s bedroom.
#3 New Year’s Eve Outfits 4 Ways
Get some style inspiration from Lisa and Jillian’s New Year’s Eve outfit ideas, which range from very formal to very casual.
#4 The Case of the Space Eating Fridge
Learn the importance of proportion, and see how Lisa plans to solve a space problem in her kitchen.
#5 Valentine’s Date Night Outfits
Check out the outfits Jillian and Lisa put together for a romantic night out with their hubbies.
That concludes The Brick Nests’ top five posts of 2017! Please feel free to drop us an email or leave a comment if there is something you want us to write about—we want to hear from you! Thanks for all the support you have given us this past year on our blogging journey!
Author Profile

- My nest is not a museum, it is a comfortable, charming, unique, fabulous home with young children. I have high-end custom pieces, vintage tag sale finds, authentic antiques, colorful prints, and basic box store staple furniture. There are many ways to add functional style to your home and I can't wait to share my ideas and inspirations with you!
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