Hello! Lisa here, with a color inspiration post for you. Every year The Pantone Color Institute, which is THE authority on color, names a color of the year. And this year the color is (drumroll, please!)…Ultra Violet!

Last year the color was Greenery, which was a vibrant leaf green shade, and I wrote a post with a bunch of ideas on how to incorporate that color into the home. Coming up with bright green ideas for the home was a challenge, but bold purple feels like an even tougher sell. While the color itself is a gorgeous regal shade which could be a beautiful accent color in the right room, bright violet isn’t typically a color people are drawn to for home decor. But that doesn’t mean you can’t embrace this “it” color in other ways! So in this post I’m bringing you some ultra cool ultra violet items to add some purple pops in your life through fashion and beauty!
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1. I love manis and pedis in bold colors. But if bright pinks and corals seem too summery for this time of year, try a nail polish in a shade of violet. This sheer one is translucent and fun rather than dark and vampy.
2. A thin line of this violet gel eyeliner along the lash line would really brighten the eyes in a more subtle way than purple eyeshadow.
3. Every now and then, why not switch out your go-to black or navy t-shirt for a t-shirt in this more exciting hue?
4. Now this is a great dress. The color would be beautiful on anyone, it looks comfortable, and it can be dressed up or dressed down. I can see it looking chic with heels, flats, sandals, or booties, styled lots of different ways.
5. Keep your neck warm with this cozy violet cashmere snood. The pretty color will cheer you up on those gloomy, gray winter days.
6. Going for a day trip, or just sick of carrying a shoulder bag? This mini backpack combines function with a playful pop of color.
7. It’s not too early to start dropping hints to your Valentine! Get these stunning, classic earrings on his radar….or treat yourself!
8. Oh my gosh, how I love these mules! Nothing is more regal than velvet in a rich shade of royal purple, and these shoes are definitely fit for a queen.
9. This high neck sweater is just plain gorgeous. What more is there to say?
Now that Ultra Violet has received Pantone’s top honor, it’s bound to pop up everywhere. So hop on board with this color trend, because as the saying goes, roses are red, violet is a DO! Happy shopping!
Author Profile

- I believe that a home and a life can be not only functional and family friendly, but also beautiful and stylish. I love vivid colors and energetic prints, and infusing classic design with contemporary personality, global influences, and coastal elements. I'm so excited to share my thoughts, tips, and ideas, from my nest to yours!
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