Well, I’m feeling like a kid after Christmas, coming down from our first One Room Challenge reveal. What a great experience to be able to transform my guest bedroom and document the process along with hundreds of other bloggers who linked up to the Calling it Home challenge. We will definitely be participating again in the future…it’s just a matter of which room to choose! And while it was bittersweet to complete that blogging chapter of my life, the good news is that I so loved the flowers from my room reveal that I felt inspired to use them as the starting point for my Thanksgiving table plans (and decided to make a bonus post out of it!). Though pink is a non-traditional Thanksgiving color, the flowers’ shade of pink is an inviting and joyful hue, so why not give it a go? And what do you know, I love how my pink Thanksgiving table setting turned out! Check it out, and feel free to incorporate some pink (or whatever color you love) into your Thanksgiving too.
Floral Centerpieces
Below is the bouquet of roses from Costco before the floral-arranging magic happened. These roses are a beautiful pink, lasted well over a week, and cost less than $20 for close to two dozen roses–total score! And I found the cute little mercury glass vases at HomeGoods. To create multiple little glamorous floral bundles out of one bouquet, I simply cut the stems down and packed them tightly into the vases–no mystery there, and you certainly don’t have to be a master florist to copy this look.
Now that you have that simple floral-arranging hack under your belt, let’s move on to a slightly more complicated arrangement. But have no fear, you can do this too. I cut all these flowers below from my mother’s garden before the first frost. Creating this look was a bit more challenging, as it was all about balancing height, texture, and color. I simply just played around with positioning of the flowers until I was pleased with the final product. I love how the varying organic textures and more subtle colors offset the bright-pink glamorous rose bundles. I bought the branch vase in a little boutique in Rhode Island, but I suppose if you were feeling super crafty, you could probably make this into a DIY project too.
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Table Setting
Now that the flowers are ready, let’s discuss the table setting. These raspberry pink plates are a hand-me-down from family, but let’s be honest–who uses formal china on a day-to-day basis with a young family? But it would be a shame to bury these beautiful dishes away in a storage box, so I found a way to incorporate their beauty into my brick nest. The walls in the formal dining room are a similar pinkish-red color (which brings a splash of bright and invigorating color into the center of my home), and 363 days a year the plates reside there in the built-in china cabinets, serving as a decor element. Even if we only actually use them a couple days a year, by leaving them on display we can still appreciate their charming pattern. But Thanksgiving is one of the days they find their way out of the cabinets and onto the table.
The placemats are from HomeGoods but I actually wish I had these slightly more textured placemats with a metallic zing from Target. The napkins are from Nantucket Looms (one of my all-time favorite shops), and the napkin rings (similar) are from Pier 1.
Now I am going to let you have a little pre-Thanksgiving feast for the eyes, and show you the entire pink dining room, all decked out for the holiday.
Remember there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to decorating your home or table for a holiday. Be creative, use what you have, and most importantly, let your sense of style guide you. If autumn colors don’t do it for you, then you are certainly not bound to using them for decorating. Seasonal decor doesn’t have to look like a catalog–make it unique and inviting, and trust me….as long as you are serving turkey, your guests will come! And to make your invitation a little more enticing, let them know you’ll also be making this delicious pumpkin bread. Enjoy!
Author Profile

- My nest is not a museum, it is a comfortable, charming, unique, fabulous home with young children. I have high-end custom pieces, vintage tag sale finds, authentic antiques, colorful prints, and basic box store staple furniture. There are many ways to add functional style to your home and I can't wait to share my ideas and inspirations with you!
Tell me about the floor in your dining room. I assume it’s painted, love to know all about it
Thanks for the comment! Check out our painted floor post for some more information.
Happy Holidays!