It’s Lisa here, and I’m full of holiday cheer! The holiday season has officially begun, and I just love this joyful and festive time of year. I listen to Christmas carols non-stop, get super excited to decorate the house, bake cookies like a fiend, and cram every possible Christmas and holiday-themed event into my calendar with the delight of a small child. But one part of the holiday season that can be stressful for many, including myself, is shopping for gifts. So let me take some of that pressure off by giving you some fantastic gift ideas!
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1. I suggested this digital frame for your Valentine back in this post, but really it would make a great gift for anyone who loves to be reminded of memories, whether it’s your honey, your parents, or grown kids away from home. This frame displays a rotating collection of digital photos, and anyone with the login info for the app can send pictures from a phone or social media, so it’s easy to update.
2. For the tea lover, this beautiful collection of teas is sure to get a warm reception. I love the Kusmi Detox tea and always have a box of it in my cupboard, but it would be lovely to have so many varieties to rotate through! This particular set is the largest and includes a ton of choices, but any of Kusmi tea sets would make great gifts for teachers and coworkers.
3. For a wellness-conscious friend, this set of lip glosses in three pretty shades of pink packs lots of beauty and no harmful chemicals.
4. You can’t go wrong with this sleek little bag for many an occasion. The dot animal print goes with so much, and any woman would be happy to have this in her closet!
5. I don’t know if it’s just because I’m obsessed with the Outlander tv series (seriously, have you seen it? It is so good and very binge-worthy), but I just love tartan plaid. It just says “cozy” on a chilly day. Any man on your list would be glad to be the recipient of a classic plaid scarf in this super soft material. Or try this supersized version for that girlfriend or family member who is always cold!
6. Want to spurge on someone who loves style but doesn’t want to sacrifice comfort? Check out these leather leggings. I love the look of leather pants, but don’t really love how they feel on. But these cute moto-style pants actually only have leather on the front, and comfortable, stretchy ponte on the back. Athleta managed to make jeans ridiculously comfortable (see me wearing their gray jeans here), so I would imagine they’ve achieved that with leather too.
7. Know someone who is environmentally conscious but also fabulous? Look no further than this pair of flats! The material is made from recycled water bottles, but even more importantly, they come in red camo! LOL just kidding–the red camo pattern isn’t more important than the sustainable material, but they are super cute! They come in a bunch of different colors and patterns, and are machine washable as well.
8. Has your blossoming bookworm fallen under the magical spell of Harry Potter yet? If not, this adorable box set of the books is sure to enchant your little muggle.
9. This tiny, portable, durable Bluetooth speaker is perfect for someone who loves their music, but also loves to be on the go. And with Bose, sound quality is always a priority.
Don’t let the stress of shopping put a damper on your holiday spirit! I hope you found this gift guide helpful in checking some people off your list. Happy holidays, and happy shopping!
Author Profile

- I believe that a home and a life can be not only functional and family friendly, but also beautiful and stylish. I love vivid colors and energetic prints, and infusing classic design with contemporary personality, global influences, and coastal elements. I'm so excited to share my thoughts, tips, and ideas, from my nest to yours!
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