Hello everyone! Lisa and I hope you all had a great holiday and we wish you the best for 2018. Today I will share a quick craft to keep those kiddos busy this school break. Every year I make gingerbread houses for one of my children’s classes. This year it was my daughter’s preschool holiday craft, and since she has a December birthday, it also was a nice opportunity for me to go in and do something special with her at school. I usually do a few at home too as all the children have fun with this. I will show you a few photos and then briefly explain the process so that you can try this out too.
Here are the undecorated houses.
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Here is what you will need:
- Small milk cartons for the base
- Graham crakers
- Royal icing (follow instructions on package)
- Candy for decorating
- Paper plates
- A plastic table cloth for easy cleanup
Here is what I do to assemble these little houses. First, cut the top of the milk carton so you have a little box without the spout fold part. You can make your royal icing ahead of time. A mixer makes this easy. Just store the icing in an airtight container so it doesn’t dry out. Slather the bottom of the box with icing and attach it to the paper plate. Next, ice all four sides and then press a graham cracker half firmly to each side. For the roof, cut two triangular graham cracker pieces, and then balance two tilting crackers on them (see pic above to make sense of this). You will need lots of icing to hold this all in place. The royal icing dries rock hard, so once assembly is complete this little house is like a brick fortress and is ready for decoration! The kids can decorate using either regular frosting or royal icing to secure the candy however they desire. Good luck, have fun, and feel free to email us at thebricknests@gmail.com with questions.
From our brick gingerbread houses to yours, happy holidays! Please consider liking our Facebook and Instagram pages and subscribing to our weekly email list to stay in touch in 2018! Thank you for all of your support! In the new year we have some more decor coaching projects to show you! And as always, feel free to leave a comment if there is anything else you would like to read about. Cheers!
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- My nest is not a museum, it is a comfortable, charming, unique, fabulous home with young children. I have high-end custom pieces, vintage tag sale finds, authentic antiques, colorful prints, and basic box store staple furniture. There are many ways to add functional style to your home and I can't wait to share my ideas and inspirations with you!
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