Hello! Lisa here, with an update on one of our Decor Coaching projects. Jillian and I are very excited about our Decor Coaching service, which offers our clients decorating assistance for creating cohesive and stylish interiors. Some of the projects involve redoing a complete room, and others involve changing a just few elements of the room design to breathe new life into the space. For this client, our friend Erin, we helped with ideas for three rooms in her lovely house. In this post, I’d like to give you a quick update on the dining room. This is a case of a couple small changes having a big impact.
Erin had already purchased a beautiful rustic wood table, timeless upholstered dining chairs, and a traditional rug in with soft aqua and turquoise colors. She also liked how the sheer white drapes allowed the light in and showed the pretty windows. So all those things were staying. What she was stuck on was choosing a paint color for the walls, as well as deciding on a new chandelier. The existing wall color was a pale purplish blue-gray, which made this space feel a bit cold, and the scale of the chandelier was too small for the spacious room and substantial table. Here are a few before pictures.
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First up was picking the paint color. Erin expressed that she was drawn to blues, but wanted something very different than what she had. We suggested a more saturated greenish blue. The bolder color would make the room feel more cheerful and a little warmer (despite it still being on the “cool” side of the color wheel). We looked at a few choices, but the clear winner was Benjamin Moore Stratton Blue. It stood out among the samples painted on Erin’s wall, and Jillian and I had also already seen it in all its glory, as Jillian had chosen this color a couple years ago for her kitchen island. We knew it would look fabulous!
Next up was choosing the chandelier. Erin didn’t want anything too glam or sleek–she wanted something more rustic to complement the rustic table. But as she grew up on the coast, a slightly beachy feel also appealed to her. We thought a fixture with beading would attain the aesthetic she was hoping for. Below is an example of a room inspiration board similar to what we created for her, with the paint choice and several chandelier options.

Of the four lighting fixtures, Erin chose the top right chandelier, with bronze hardware and stone and glass beading. After a visit from the painter and the electrician, the room totally transformed!
The new paint color is rich and bold but still soothing, and against the new white trim it really pops. It also pairs well with the existing rug, making the whole space feel fresh.
And this chandelier was totally the right choice! The larger scale is perfect for the space, making it a dramatic focal point for the room. The bronze hoop looks like it came right off an old wine barrel, giving it a rustic feel, but the stone beads are reminiscent of tumbled pebbles you might find on a beach. When the fixture is on, the tiny glass beads catch the light, adding beautiful sparkle without looking glam. It really fit the bill.
Erin loved the result, and we couldn’t agree more! We’re so happy that we were able to help Erin create a space she feels excited about. If you’d like to learn more about our Decor Coaching services, please feel free to contact us at thebricknests@gmail.com. We hope to bring you more updates in the future on our other Decor Coaching projects at Erin’s house as they progress. This beautiful dining room transformation is a perfect example of how sometimes just a couple well-thought-out changes to a room can make all the difference!
Author Profile

- I believe that a home and a life can be not only functional and family friendly, but also beautiful and stylish. I love vivid colors and energetic prints, and infusing classic design with contemporary personality, global influences, and coastal elements. I'm so excited to share my thoughts, tips, and ideas, from my nest to yours!
[…] Moore! This is a bright and bold blue-green shade that can work on walls (as pictured in this dining room decor coaching project), exterior doors, and even my kitchen island as shown […]