Hello and Happy New Year! Today we have an amazing bright white kitchen transformation to show you. Lisa and I recently had the pleasure of helping another decor coaching client with her kitchen renovation. What we did was basically coach her though the bazillion decisions of a renovation, weighing in on what we liked and did not like, and making suggestions for lighting, paint, tile, cabinets, etc. Ultimately we helped guide her through the very daunting and overwhelming process of a renovation. If you have a similar project (or are even just making smaller changes, such as the ones seen here), we would be happy to offer our decor coaching services to you too. For more information, email us at thebricknests@gmail.com.
Now on to some before photos before we show you this glorious new bright white kitchen!
The kitchen was small with not a lot of cabinet space. With the removal of the wall between the kitchen and dining room, the tight space and storage problem changed dramatically. Are you ready for this? Now, feast your eyes on this beautiful, clean, bright, and classic new kitchen.
The new kitchen is amazing! We helped to guide our client in the right direction, and she nailed it!
This renovation was done by Cooley Contracting 413-596-3022.
Now here are some more photos for your viewing pleasure.
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Sometimes little changes make a big difference, and sometimes big changes make a huge difference! This kitchen not only looks better, but functions better too. It has a better flow, tons more storage and work space, and of course it doesn’t hurt that it’s now super aesthicstically pleasing.
If you have a kitchen remodel in the works, please feel free to contact us–we are happy to assist with any project, large or small. Cheers to 2018 and a new bright white kitchen!
Author Profile

- My nest is not a museum, it is a comfortable, charming, unique, fabulous home with young children. I have high-end custom pieces, vintage tag sale finds, authentic antiques, colorful prints, and basic box store staple furniture. There are many ways to add functional style to your home and I can't wait to share my ideas and inspirations with you!
[…] for a long time, but I have yet to use it in my home. However, in our recent kitchen decor coaching project, this was our client’s top choice and it came out perfect! This is a great gray as it reads a […]