Just a few days after finishing up my autumn planters project, Stew and I took the kids on a weekend trip to Boston to see family and meet my brand new adorable niece, Jane. What a little love she is! While we were in town, we thought it would be fun to take the kids for a walk around the beautiful neighborhood of Beacon Hill and then for a special treat of a pastry from the amazing Tatte Bakery and Cafe, a favorite of ours in that part of town. Fresh from my own planters project, I couldn’t help but stop to notice the window boxes along our walk, and boy, was it a feast for the eyes!
If you’re looking for more inspiration for your own planters and window boxes, then you need look no further than my hometown’s charming, historic, picture-perfect neighborhood of Beacon Hill. When I used to work for Sotheby’s New England office, which was located in this neighborhood of Boston, I often took walks for my lunch breaks, meandering up and down the hill, taking in the stunning architecture of the colonial brick row houses, and admiring the beautiful seasonal window box displays for which the neighborhood is famous. When it comes to tasteful and elegant window boxes, no place does it better than the “brick nests” of Beacon Hill. I just had to share the pictures I took as a follow up to the post I did on my early autumn planters.
We started our walk at the picturesque Rouvalis flower shop, a Beacon Hill staple for decades, where we let the kids each choose a succulent for their new “children’s office” (more on that project in the coming months–stay tuned!). The sidewalk display outside the shop was a delightfully charming explosion of autumnal botanicals.
From there, we continued our walk on West Cedar Street, which is lined with one gorgeous window box after another, stopping to explore a block or two up and down cross streets along the way. Below are some of my favorite window boxes (and one planter!), ranging from simple to lavish.
I hope you find the autumn window boxes of Beacon Hill as inspiring as I do! I’ll be pinning some of these pictures on our Pinterest board to reference for ideas next fall. If you like them, you should pin them too! Happy planting!
Author Profile

- I believe that a home and a life can be not only functional and family friendly, but also beautiful and stylish. I love vivid colors and energetic prints, and infusing classic design with contemporary personality, global influences, and coastal elements. I'm so excited to share my thoughts, tips, and ideas, from my nest to yours!
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