Hey! Lisa here, and it’s time for another Nests’ Nifty Nine! Well, the glowing, warm and fuzzy feeling I get during the holiday season has passed, and now that it’s just winter, I can feel the chill in my bones. I am not a lover of winter, so to keep that chill from spreading to my soul, I need to surround myself with all things cozy, and make the New England tundra seem like a winter wonderland.
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1. I have owned a previous version of this boot for a couple years now, and this time of year, I wear them more than any other pair of shoes. Not only are they yeti-chic, but they are weather resistant, so unlike my other Uggs, I don’t have to worry about soggy sheepskin and the resulting water stains. Nothing keeps your toes toastier than a pair of Uggs, and having toasty toes never goes out of style. I get compliments on these all the time, and when I finally wear these out, you bet I’ll be getting another pair.
2. I love the aesthetic of Neve Designs, and own a pair of leggings by them that I adore. But I am obsessed with their vintage line of retro print graphic sweaters. Clothing doesn’t have to be so serious all the time–it’s okay to be playful! My sister, who is a good skier, teases me and says I need to be a legit ski bunny if I’m going to wear a sweater like this. To that I say, I have a few ski lessons under my belt and I can SKI down the BUNNY hill, which makes me a ski bunny! Now gimme that sweater!
3. A sheepskin rug can be used in so many different ways. At the foot of my bed I have a wooden chest, across the top of which which I’ve laid a sheepskin rug–and now I have a soft place to sit while I put on my sheepskin Uggs! I have a sheepskin rug tossed across a bean bag chair in the playroom, making a cozy spot for reading a book. I think I may put one down at the side of the bed too, so when I drag myself out from under my warm covers first thing in the morning, my feet have a gentle landing spot, rather than getting a rude awakening on the cold floor, before putting on my slippers.
4. I swear that once the cold weather sets in, my circulation system becomes hyper-focused on keeping my vital organs warm at the expense of my extremities, in an attempt to keep me from freezing to death (did I mention I’m not a winter lover?). My poor feet become blocks of ice! Thin cotton socks simply won’t do–so bring on the Smartwool! My whole family wears Smartwool socks when we’re skiing, but I could definitely use a few pairs for everyday wear, such as these socks with a super cute snowflake pattern.
5. Do these tartan plaid flannel sheets match my aqua-colored comforter? Not remotely. Do I care? Not remotely. In the winter, I dream of climbing into a bed that envelops me in softness and warmth–and how better to create that cozy sanctuary than with flannel sheets? And somehow, flannel just seems even cozier in tartan plaid.
6. I went on backcountry.com looking for a new jacket and came across this Bogner beauty, meant for a fierce winter diva. Oh, the sublime detailing on this sporty and luxe jacket, from the grommet eyelets, to the leather trim on the pockets, to the contrasting geometric accents on the arms, is to die for! Now, I’m not really much for winter outdoor exertion, but I swear to you I would take up, like, snowshoeing, or I don’t know, even start training for the Iditarod, if it gave me the excuse to wear this jacket! Though I’m pretty sure I will never have to make good on that promise, because, unfortunately for me, I will never own this, unless Bogner wants to send it to me for free because they love our blog so much (are you listening, Bogner???). If only! But Nests’ Nifty Nine is about stuff we own and love, and stuff with which we are obsessed, and this falls into the “obsessed” category, so there you go. Sigh. However, there are many other fabulous and more affordable options for jackets on Backcountry, for those of us who fall into the “fierce winter normal person” rather than “fierce winter diva” category.
7. I love accessorizing with scarves for added warmth and style, and can never have too many. Because of the ombre dye, the gorgeous raspberry pink of this scarf looks like it’s caught in the midst of swirling, blustering snow flurries. It’s simply pretty! And the variations of the shade would complement rosy cheeks. 😊
8. Some like a man in uniform. Some like a man in a tux. I like a man…in a fisherman sweater. It is a classic, ruggedly handsome look, and the cozy cable knit keeps the chill out. When my husband wears his fisherman sweater, he looks hot…um, I mean warm…in it. 😍
9. Plans to stay at a friend’s house for a ski weekend? These Irish Coffee glass mugs are the perfect hostess gift. The monogram gives it that extra, personal touch. They would also be great for hot chocolate! Can’t you just envision the apres-ski scene of friends talking and laughing together while sipping a soothing, warm drink from these little mugs?
We have a long winter ahead of us, so we may as well make the most out of it! Stay warm, friends!
Author Profile

- I believe that a home and a life can be not only functional and family friendly, but also beautiful and stylish. I love vivid colors and energetic prints, and infusing classic design with contemporary personality, global influences, and coastal elements. I'm so excited to share my thoughts, tips, and ideas, from my nest to yours!
Great items, Lisa. Enjoyed reading about all our favorite winter clothing and beyond ideas. Keep up the fun work. Were you really up to 12:01 to post it? or is that just when the site put it up?
Thanks Sallie! We schedule the posts, so thankfully don’t have to stay up!