Welcome to week number four of the One Room Challenge, and it’s time for the heavy lifting! Not only did all the furniture moving of this week tone my biceps, but with furniture in place I started to see something resembling a guest bedroom–how exciting! I also have to tell you about my first One Room Challenge furniture snafu, as up until now things were going much too smoothly. A special thanks to Calling it Home for hosting this event. Be sure to check in on all the other room transformations and the design problems encountered during this six week journey.If you are new to The Brick Nests, I am so glad you joined us! Please check out our About page to learn more, as well as peruse Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3 of our One Room Challenge guest bedroom makeover. I will try to keep this post short and sweet as I have much work to do for next week–accessorizing this space is going to be AMAZING!
I hope you all remember my snazzy green chalk-painted dresser. Well here she is, looking mighty fine as the showstopper in this neutral room. I’m thrilled I was able to reuse something I already had, only it looks so much better now!
Remember my inspiration photo below of the room (by Sonya Kinkade) with the green dresser? Now that my chalk-painted dresser is in my guest bedroom, I am really honing in on my vision now!
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Source: Sonya Kinkade
My old bed with the beautiful iron frame is back in place, and it sits perfectly in front of the window without obstructing the view or the natural light from entering the room. This is really the only spot for the bed in this room, so the headboard had to be interesting but visually transparent. This fabulous bedding by Ballard Designs with random white spots is a perfect companion to the geometric wallpaper. The pillows are just a teaser of what is coming next when we talk decor and room accessories…trust me, you don’t want to miss it. Of course the lighting fixture (last week’s post) is perfection. It really makes a statement, but also helps to tie this room together. Now that I am done patting myself on the back, here’s more on my furniture boo-boo.
You know how I am always preaching about having a back up plan when ordering large pieces (rugs, furniture, etc.) online? Well, low and behold, that is the exact strategy I had to employ this week when my fabulous nest chair arrived. I had been looking for a canopy chair for a long time, similar to the first option below, but with a more woven and transparent back. I also love the shape of the peacock chair (the second option below), but the back is too wide for most of my indoor spaces. What I really wanted was a hybrid of these two chairs–but I could never find it, until one lucky day I stumbled upon it and I just had to have it!
I found the chair below recently when I was browsing the internet (AKA shopping) on One Kings Lane. I can’t find it now as sometimes quantities are limited on One Kings Lane, and at this moment it doesn’t seem to be in stock. So good thing I immediately nabbed this chair, as I thought it would be perfect in my cozy guest bedroom nest!
However, you may be thinking, “hey, that’s not your guest bedroom in that picture,” and you would be correct, my observant readers. Alas, it wouldn’t fit through the door frames to the guest room, as the base was too wide. Well, what the heck is a girl to do? Send it back? No way! I had been coveting a chair like this forever! Find another place for the chair to fit? You got it!
So now it sits in this cozy little nook at the top of our front stairs. It is perfect here and I love it, but now I have no chair for the guest bedroom makeover. But fear not! I immediately got to work moving my current furniture around (one of my favorite pastimes), and look what I rediscovered in my master bedroom.
This little rattan chair is a perfect solution for my furniture snafu. The natural fibers warm up the white neutral guest bedroom quite nicely, and I might even venture to say that the chair I had originally planned to put here may have been too tall for the ceiling height, and its proportions generally too large for the little nook. Don’t you love it when mistakes work out that way?!?
Anyway, let’s not be tricked into thinking that mistakes are good, as this could have been a very costly error. Like we ask our children, what can we learn from this mistake? Measure, measure, measure! Look at all of the listed measurements, and don’t just measure the spot where you are going to put the furniture–also measure the doors and hallways leading to the room as well. Crisis adverted at my brick nest, but thou must remember to measure (and also have a back up plan)!
Here is a before photograph to remind you of how far we have come in this guest nest makeover! The next furniture in this room to get the boot was my pair of nightstands. The were really not doing anything to freshen up the space, so they had to go!
Now look at this beautiful nightstand! The dark cocoa color is perfect against the light colored walls! I also love the crossed legs, such a simple but interesting detail.
Here is a much cheaper, but equally cool, alternative found on Joss and Main. Hey, I got you, furniture can be expensive!
The existing desk and accompanying chair shown below will remain in the other cozy nook, as the furniture fits the space perfectly. Oh man, seeing this picture reminds me how much I don’t miss that paisley at all! Below are before and after photos of the nook–we are making some progress!
So, I think we are all square with furniture for this guest nest! All that is left to do is have tons of fun accessorizing the room! Come back next week as we deck out this guest bedroom nest big time! Let’s check in on what’s left to do:
- pick and hang artwork
- arrange lamps
- choose lots of fun decor accents to complete this room (hint: it will be heavy on the nest theme)
- invite the crazy throw pillow lady (Lisa) over for pillow arranging madness
- take a zillion pictures and reveal the finished room to the world
Almost there! See you next week.
Author Profile

- My nest is not a museum, it is a comfortable, charming, unique, fabulous home with young children. I have high-end custom pieces, vintage tag sale finds, authentic antiques, colorful prints, and basic box store staple furniture. There are many ways to add functional style to your home and I can't wait to share my ideas and inspirations with you!
oooh i actually love the chair you had so much more! i love the design on the back and it’s perfect for that space!
#teamrattan for the save! The chair looks great. Can’t wait to see more of this space next week.
I love both chairs! Can’t wait to see more! 🙂
Thanks for the #teamrattan love!
I love those chairs. The wallpaper is really pretty, too!
Thanks Emy! The chairs are great and I also love the wallpaper it is so bright and simple.
Jillian, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chair that you had in your master bedroom and it will look fantastic in your guest bedroom. I’m sorry for your furniture snafu, but I do believe that things work out for a reason…kismet! And I think it was kismet that the one chair end up in your hallway and the other one from your room end up in your guest room. Can’t wait to see what next week brings.
Hugs, Lynn
Love all the choices, those chairs are dreamy, can’t wait to see what you do at the final! Sorry for all the issues with the furniture.
I love accessorizing and can’t wait to see how you do so for next week!